Dinosaurs: The Terrible Lizards is a short film created by artist Wah Chang, who is known for his work on the original Star Trek and the 1970s TV show Land of the Lost. This educational film about dinosaurs has been sourced from a 16mm copy. I love the way stop motion is used to animate the dinosaurs. I used to watch this all the time as a kid, and the ambient background music teleports me right back to my childhood TV room.
"Dinosaurs: The Terrible Lizards" is a short film by artist who worked on the original Star Trek and Land of the Lost
- dinosaurs
- stop-motion animation
Why dinosaur bones were the real nail in religion's coffin
I've always been fascinated by humankind's move from superstition to science. It obviously didn't happen all at once (and to some degree is still happening — 20% of Americans take… READ THE REST
Komodo dragon teeth are so metal
Science has found Komodo dragons to have iron coatings on their teeth! Komodo dragons are the largest living species of lizard in the world, reaching almost ten feet long and… READ THE REST
The Poozeum is a museum of fossilized poo
The Poozeum is a museum of fossilized poop. If you're in Williams, Arizona, you can see real fossilized dinosaur poop in this museum. The museum doesn't smell bad (in case… READ THE REST
This router might be better than a VPN since it brings 'The Office' back on Netflix!
TL;DR: This VPN router can unblock content on your streaming services, and it's available for $149.97 (reg. $219) through October 27—and it's the lowest price ever! We can't lie. Netflix, well, isn't quite… READ THE REST
You don't want to be known as the 'bad American traveler,' so learn the language!
TL;DR: Babbel can help you learn the local language of your destination with its 14 language offerings, now $149.97 (reg. $599) until October 27! As much as we'd like to deny it, Americans… READ THE REST
Guitar Hero IRL—Fret Zealot 2 turns you into a rock star
TL;DR: Pick up the Fret Zealot 2 Guitar Teaching LED System for just $249.99 for a limited time. Most of us have had a fantasy about rocking out on stage. If your fantasy… READ THE REST