MTV Unfiltered was an American tv series that aired on MTV in the 1990s. Each episode featured a half-hour segment of viewer-produced footage. The footage would be sent in by viewers from around the country and then edited by the producers of Unfiltered. In this episode, teens demonstrate "freestyle walking." This activity is similar to parkour and entails everything from backflips, jumping off walls and outdoor fixtures, and jumping over dumpsters and trashcans.
MTV Unfiltered — Highschool students explain "Freestyle Walking"
- 1990s
ICQ is EOL: 28-year-old chat service to shut
ICQ was one of the great dot-com era chat services and outlived AIM by seven years. But it too is being taken out back, by VK, the company that ended… READ THE REST
What the world needs now is a revival of 1-900-9099-CRY
Back in 2021, Popkin here at Boing Boing brought you a wonderful compilation of some bizarre commercials for 1-900 numbers from the 1980s and 1990s. My favorite is, of course, the commercial… READ THE REST
Read the Electronic Frontier Foundation's guide to using the Internet in 1994
Behold the EFF's (Extended) Guide to the Internet, which dates to 1994—the year I got online for the first time. (via) There are .sigs and there are .sigs. Many people… READ THE REST
Your Frenchie went a little too hard at the dog park? Clean up their cut with this kit!
TL;DR: Your dog deserves first aid care, so bring this $19.99 Pet Medic Med Pack during walks and hikes! Uh, oh! Arthur (your ferocious Frenchie, of course!) somehow cut his paw while play-fighting… READ THE REST
Enjoy epic flights the Phantom MAX 8 Smart Drone for just $80
TL;DR: At just $79.99 (reg. $169), the Ninja Dragon Phantom MAX 8 offers cutting-edge features like obstacle avoidance, HD cameras, and 360° rolling—all wrapped in one sleek, aerodynamic smart drone. Ready to take… READ THE REST
Bye, bye wires! Upgrade your audio game with these JBL noise-canceling headphones
TL;DR: Ditch your wired earbuds for these JBL Tune 770NC noise-canceling headphones, now available for $89.99 (reg. $129) with free shipping! No judgment, but are you seriously still listening to your tunes… READ THE REST