Boing Boing

The incredible story of a man who secretly furnished a hidden room in a mall and lived there for 4 years

Wangkun Jia /

This video animates the story of an artist named Michael Townsend, a daring artist who Built a secret home inside of a mall and lived there for 4 years before being discovered. Townsend and 7 other artists built and furnished the 750-square-foot space in Providence Place, Rhode Island from 2003 to 2007. 

The artists constructed a wall out of cinderblocks and a nondescript utility door to keep the underground room hidden from others in the mall. They managed to sneak furniture into their secret room and even had a Playstation 2. Check out the video to see photos of Townsend's secret mall apartment; I'm amazed by the fact that they were able to sneak in so much furniture, let alone live there for years without being caught.

Word is that filmmaker Jeremy Workman (Lily Topples The World, The World Before Your Feet) has been underway on a feature documentary about the story and is aiming to premiere the film in 2023.

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