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Japanese aquarium cheaps out on fish, penguins and otters notice

Japan is also fighting inflation and one aquarium's penguins and otters are suffering its consequences as the zookeepers switch out their fish to one that is 30% cheaper.

VICE World News:

At Hakone-en Aquarium in the Kanagawa prefecture south of Tokyo, zookeepers are buying their animals cheaper food to cut costs. Instead of being offered the usual fatty aji (Japanese horse mackerel), penguins and otters have been feeding on saba—a slimy, less expensive protein—since May…

"Even if they'll take it in their beaks, they'll just spit it out," Hiroki Shimamoto, the head zookeeper at Hakone-en…

But rest assured, the picky eaters don't starve. "For the ones who refuse to eat the new fish, we just give them what they used to eat," the zookeeper said.

Watch these picky eaters refuse the inferior fish.


screengrab via ANNnewsCH

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