Boing Boing

Watch this animated timeline chart of the rise and fall of the most popular websites since 1993


Excite. Prodigy. Compuserve. Geocities. Lycos. Infoseek. At one time, these websites were the most popular destinations on the web. Today, they're zombie sites.

Take a look at this animated timeline of the top ten websites from 1993 to January 2022. AOL was the most popular website from 1993-2000. It seemed unstoppable. Even when Yahoo overtook it in June 2000, AOL's monthly visits continued to go up until 2005. But by April 2008, it dropped out of the top 10, and Google was getting eight times the traffic. In November 2018 the first porn site, Xvideos, entered the top 10 with over 2.5 billion views a month.

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