"Conspiranoia" is a song from Primus's 2022 album Conspiranoid. The song makes fun of people's paranoia over microchips and vaccines as well as flat earthers. The song is a catchy one, and like all of the band's music videos, the one for "Conspiranoia" has an incredibly trippy look to it.
Frontman Les Claypool said:
"Conspiranoia was sprouted from a seed I had planted in my notebook a year or so ago — a few lines commenting on the mental state of the contemporary world.
"I watched the distrust and divide grow between friends, colleagues, relatives, and the general population because of the consumption and digesting of disinformation, misinformation, warped information, and flat-out fairy tales being perpetuated by anyone with a slight hint of web design aptitude.
"I was compelled to shed light on the ridiculousness of many of these perspectives and the lack of rational thought that was being applied in the interpretation of many such entities and theories."'