MAGA Nazis held rallies outside the Turning Point Conference in Tampa this weekend. They waved Swastika flags and held signs that caricatured Jews and supported Florida governor Ron DeSantis, who is contemplating a presidential run in 2024.
DeSantis remained silent until Monday, when he claimed that the Nazis were Democrats posing as Nazis to "smear" him. And DeSantis' press secretary Christina Pushaw speculated in a tweet that the Nazi rallies might be a "stunt" to portray the GOP negatively.
The ADL, however, claimed yesterday that the Nazis were actually DeSantis-loving Nazis, not Democrats posing as them: " Our Center on Extremism is aware of claims that the neo-Nazi protesters outside this weekend's @TPUSA conference were 'paid actors.' These claims are false. In fact, these protesters were known white supremacists who were there to promote their racist, hateful beliefs."
Pushaw has since deleted her tweet.