We need to step our theme restaurant game up in America. I'm getting tired- or rather, appraising the feeling more accurately, jealous- of the seemingly endless wave of dope theme restaurants emanating from Japan. They've got Gundam restaurants, Pokemon restaurants, and even friggin' One Piece restaurants where the waiters dress like the characters. What do we have here in the states? Bubba Gump Shrimp? Listen, I loved Bubba and Forrest's friendship as much as the next movie watching Millennial, but is that honestly the best we can do?
Since Japan is already running a one-horse race in the field of licensed eateries, you'd think they'd take a leisurely pace from here on out.
Not Japan, man. If they're going to win, they're going to make sure they win with style.
In the post linked above, you can see menu items from the new Kirby-themed restaurant that opens in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, on September 15. You can click the arrows on the side of the post to scroll through the gallery.