Competitive table setters do it for the honor and the glory

Oregon Live reports on the Oregon State Fair table setting competition. There are only 20 slots available each year, and it fills quickly. There can be only one champion. There are rules, there are "classes," and the make of the china and silverware are all notable.

It is like sports but for tables.

Oregon Live:

"The thing I found most interesting was all the rules and the judging," she said. "They were merciless. One of the (judge's) cards said, 'Her pinks don't match.' She had two different colors of pink, and they didn't match. And I thought, 'Man, I can do that. I can make my pinks match.' And it just kind of snowballed from there."

Table setting is one of the long-standing competitions in the Creative Living section of the Oregon State Fair. Oregon residents can enter their handicrafts, quilts, baked goods, Lego sculptures and much, much more in 1,113 competition classes for judging at the fair.

"But it's not just a ribbon," Keatley said. "It's the honor and glory that you receive from that ribbon."

Image: screen grab