Cyberpunk:2077 has experienced a rollercoaster of press since the debut of the game's first trailer. Initially, fans were excited about the prospect of a video game set in the Cyberpunk universe, and the first trailer only served to stoke the flames further. Upon release, following a string of copious delays, the game was riddled with bugs and design flaws that caused Cyberpunk: 2077 to become embroiled in controversy. After a few patches and a lawsuit, the negativity around Cyberpunk: 2077 died down significantly. Now that the game is basking in freshly acquired praise, it's finally time to milk the IP dry with supplemental media.
In the video linked above, you can watch the sleek trailer for Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. The Netflix original anime, produced by Studio Trigger, is set in the Cyberpunk universe and looks to elevate the already heavily stylized world the franchise inhabits. The trailer features some jaw-dropping action sequences and a few NSFW scenes. Proceed with caution on this one.