Drag queen Trey DeGroodt shares Monkeypox care kits

Meet Trey DeGroodt, a Phoenix drag queen who just got over monkeypox thanks in part to friends who sent care packages. Now Trey is paying it forward, creating care packages and sending them to others suffering through monkeypox. AZCentral provides more information:

Friends sent money to help him stay afloat while he was unable to work. One person sent a box full of items that would help DeGroodt through his recovery. His uncle delivered four bags of groceries, and his roommate brought the supplies upstairs, where he was quarantining in his room.

"I've gotten so many direct messages and things like that of 'We love you. Take care of yourself. How can we help you? Are you doing OK?' You know, so the community really rushed to my side," DeGroodt told The Arizona Republic.

After enduring the worst of the rashes, lesions, fever, headaches and exhaustion, DeGroodt — who has since fully recovered — was inspired to share the resources he wished he'd had from the beginning.

This has turned into him making monkeypox care kits full of the essentials that helped him get through the worst of the lesions.

Read more about DeGroodt's journey and care package project here – and here's some information about how to request a care packet or donate to the project:

Whether you'd like to request a care kit or sponsor one, DeGroodt can be reached via direct message on Instagram (@praythetreyaway) and Facebook (facebook.com/tdegroodt). He is accepting donations of any amount on Venmo (@PrayTheTreyAway) as well as offers to help make or deliver kits.

And thanks, Trey for caring about others in the community. I don't see Kari Lake out there sending care packages to anyone. No wonder she hates drag queens—they make her look awful in comparison (in so many ways!).