The Indus river has overflowed to such an extent that a huge in-land lake has formed measuring 62 miles (100 kilometres) across where there used to be homes and agricultural fields. Satellite photos featured on CNN show the drastic difference in the landscape before and after these ongoing and unrelenting monsoon floods. Have a look at the nifty before-and-after comparisons showing what the area looked like just a four months ago compared to now.
This is not the first time Pakistan's rivers have altered geography in recent memory. In June of 2010, a landslide on the Hunza River upstream from then-Attabad village created the Attabad Lake in Gilgit-Baltistan, drowning the village, killing 20 people and displacing six thousand. The Attabad lake now measures nearly 19 miles across (30 kilometres).
The Hunza River flows through Gilgit-Baltistan, joining the Gilgit and Natlar Rivers to eventually flow into Indus.