Snuff Puppets is an art group that puts on amazing parades of giant body parts. I only came across their work recently, and I'm obsessed with it. They are based in Australia and tour around with their puppet shows. Their body-part puppets are totally surreal looking, especially when animated. It's fun to watch how the puppets interact with passersby on the street. I hope to see them live someday.
Here's a translation of the video commentary, by YouTube commenter katziliaf:
The German commentator at 1:06:
• Those are performance artists from Australia – The Snuff Puppets.
• And we're going to show now some images of the Snuff Puppets. These already amazed the people here all day with body parts that symbolise that humans are all equal
• no matter if thick or thin, or tall or small, no matter the skin colour-
all belong together and that's also what's getting celebrated here at the Summer Festival. And I'd guess we let the evening slowly finish with fanfares [Idk the rest, but I think it's Kurt Scharia aka his name]"The other voice lines later (in summary):
•another commentator, basically saying they're from Australia again and performing street theatre
• a lil girl saying there's a big eye
• a woman (probably to her children) says she doesn't want to be at the front so they (her kids) can see better
• an older woman saying "it's blinking!"