RollingStone shows Tesla to be a harassment factory that also makes cars

RollingStone has published a deep dive into the leadership example set by Elon "Pedo Guy" Musk and the harassment suffered by seven women bringing lawsuits against his EV carmaker, Tesla. The lawsuits have been in the news for ages, but the details behind the suffering are new and horrible.


Shortly after starting, Mederos says, she told her boss that she had problems hearing certain tones and voices with her right ear. This got around, and apparently many of the men she worked with thought she was deaf. A technician allegedly called out "I've never seen a white girl with an ass like her." The same tech guy eventually learned that Mederos was half-Cuban. One day, she claims, he sidled up to her. "That explains why you have an ass." This atmosphere encouraged two other workers to ask her if she could hold a cup up with just her butt. The tech guy, per Mederos' legal filing, also once remarked on the breasts of a girl visiting the center, and was unfazed when he was told the girl was 12. "Those tits are not 12," he allegedly said.

"The place was toxic before Eden got there," says a former Tesla employee who worked with Mederos and left company feeling the culture was inappropriate and obnoxious. "A guy would start there and seem like a nice guy, but then he wanted to be part of the group and just started being awful. Other women got harassed — Eden just got it more."