Designer George Gomez and the gang at Stern Pinball have announced the latest in their huge line of baby-boomer-licensed pinball machines. They've already done The Beatles, classic TV Batman, The Munsters… and now: 007.
If you haven't played a pinball machine lately you'll be overwhelmed by the current state of the art execution with worldwide gamer community connection, over the top graphics on every surface, and insanely deep gameplay levels and features. The 007 game has terrific "toys" (pb lingo for the molded 3D elements). The iconic Aston Marin shoots a pinball up and out of the ejector seat roof. A jet pack Bond flies the metal ball around the playfield with an electromagnet! I think the sculpting on the figures is fantastic: great detail, awesome gestures, and excellent likeness of Sean Connery. Here's some top-secret pics from Genius Gomez's lair:

James Bond 007 [Stern Pinball]