Quentin Tarantino's greatest strength as a filmmaker is also the basis of the criticism that hounds him most persistently: his reverence for classic films. Fans of Tarantino love how frequently and lovingly he homages great directors and their movies. At the same time, his detractors believe that Tarantino is nothing more than a petty cinema thief that swipes impressive sequences to bolster his profile as a visionary auteur. Even if you fall into the latter's camp, it's impossible to deny that Tarantino still adds his own twist to whatever scene he replicates.
Post Jackie Brown, most cinephiles began to notice how much the work of famed Italian director Sergio Corbucci influenced Tarantino. From swiping the score from Navajo Joe for Kill Bill to the title and structure of Django Unchained, it's clear that Tarantino knows his way around Corbucci's catalog of films. In the video linked above, Tarantino offers his fan-fiction backstory for Corbucci's bloody revenge flick Django.