Trevor Noah has decided to leave The Daily Show after taking over the show from Jon Stewart in 2015. During his seven-year tenure, Noah helped The Daily Show enter a new era of progress with several Black co-anchors joining the show.
After building his career on the South African stand-up circuit with his comedic musings on race and the lingering stench of Apartheid, Noah honed the voice that would make him a global celebrity through The Daily Show's platform. Due to Stewart's immense popularity and tenure as the main anchor on the comedy news show, many felt that the series would stumble in the hands of a new host.
With the job beckoning the likes of several more established comedians, Noah's elevation to the position took the world by complete surprise, as he was relatively obscure outside of the comedy world. Now, The Daily Show finds itself in a familiar position as another incredibly popular host looks to vacate the captain's seat.
Trevor Noah is nearing his last laugh on "The Daily Show." The comedian, who came out of near anonymity to take over the program from Jon Stewart in 2015, plans to exit the flagship Comedy Central series after a seven-year tenure that saw him transform it for a new generation of viewers who are more at home on social media than they are cable outlets and broadcast networks. Noah revealed his plans to an audience at Thursday evening's taping of the program in New York, according to two people familiar with the matter. It was not immediately clear when his actual exit would take place, or whether the Paramount Global cable network had begun to consider a successor. Jill Fritzo, a representative for Noah, could not be reached for immediate comment.