Walmart and CVS stacked homeopathic products with scientifically-proven medicines, according to a lawsuit that claims this violated D.C.'s consumer protection laws, and a judge has decided the case can proceed.
CFI Legal Director Nick Little, who argued the consolidated appeals, hailed Thursday's decision while recognizing that the case is a long way from over. "The D.C. Court of Appeals has given us the chance to prove that what the retailers have done is fraudulent, and now it's our job to prove it to a jury," he said. Even so, Thursday's decision "put retailers of drugs across the country in notice that they can be held responsible for the message they send by how they sign and display fake alternative medicine," Little added in an email. "Our goal is to ensure that all retailers stop this misrepresentation."
Also in the news are the same defendants in a similar lawsuit with very different parameters: one blaming them for autism the plaintiffs claim was caused by Tylenol, on the basis on this 2018 study linking long-term prenatal use of the drug to higher incidence of ASD and ADHD.
Sued for the stuff that does nothing, sued for the stuff that does it all.