Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert says she was "bought" by "the blood of Jesus" (video)

Congress-Preacher Lauren Boebert (CO) was at it again over the weekend, spouting nonsense as she posed as a creepy religious fanatic that only the mother in Stephen King's Carrie could top.

"I'm not defined by what the media says! I'm not defined by Nancy Pelosi calling me the 'enemy from within!" she began (see video below), assumedly referring (inaccurately) to Pelosi's 2021 statement that the House might need additional funding for safety because "the enemy is within the House of Representatives." Pelosi never singled out the gun-toting Boebert, but she did refer to Republicans in general who wanted to bring guns to the House floor.

"I'm not defined by being called a racist or a bigot," continued the racist and bigoted representative, who frequently harasses colleague Ilhan Omar (D–MN), a Muslim, repeatedly referring to her as part of a "jihad squad," and even suggesting she could be a terrorist. "I'm not defined by their made up terms that mean nothing to me."

And then the horror-show moment: "I've been bought and purchased by the blood of Jesus — and that is what defines me."

I'm not sure what the difference is between "bought" and "purchased," or who sold her, but the entire ordeal seems pretty demonic to me.

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