Americans hate germs, and they trust established brands that keep them germ-free. At least, that's my takeaway from Morning Consult's list of the top 10 most trusted brands in the United States. Band-Aid is number one, followed by Lysol and Clorox. After that comes UPS (which inexplicably dropped its iconic Paul Rand-designed logo of a package tied in string in favor of a shield) CVS Pharmacy comes in at number five, followed by Visa, Cheerios, The Weather Channel, Colgate, and Home Depot.
Brands are ranked based on their average net trust rating (the share who say they trust each brand to do the right thing minus the share who don't trust the brand). The data comes from Morning Consult Brand Intelligence, which collects tens of thousands of surveys every day across the globe on over 4,000 brands and products. This Brand Intelligence dataset was gathered March 3-April 3, 2022, among a representative sample of 5,241 to 5,560 U.S. adults, with an unweighted margin of error of +/-1 percentage point.