Thanks to the ever-delightful Max Reads newsletter for bringing this gem to my attention — and by gem, I mean sorcerer's lens. The Vessel of the Ritual of Damnation is currently up for auction on eBay, with a Buy-It-Now price of just $13,333.33 (an 80% discount from the original price of $66,666.66, 'natch). The auctioneer — a nonprofit organization called Not 4 Profit Inc USA, which supposedly does work in providing educational technology to under supported rural areas — says that it came into the possession of this occult artifact through a donor, who promised that both the value, and the function of The Vessel of the Ritual of Damnation were both accurate to its unique function.
And what, exactly, does the Vessel of the Ritual of Damnation do? Well! Glad you asked!
The Vessel of the Ritual of Damnation
This extremely rare item was created for use in the Ritual of Damnation, and it was used to place 3 irremovable marks on the lateral and medial muscle of the right eye.
The Origin of the Ritual of Damnation
The significance of the Ritual of Damnation was a visible and permanent representation of their confirmation to serve the masters commands-forever.
The Antiquity of the Ritual of Damnation
The reference and removal of the Mark of the Eye is recorded over 2000-years in the past:
If thy right eye offend thee …………
The solution and reasoning is clear and this Vessel was created for the purpose and intent to fulfill this recognized reference from antiquity.
The Construction
The Vessel is hand-formed from materials that are cursed and its design allows the subject to view their master (see images) as they state the Vow of Damnation.
The Mark of the Eye
The final process of its precise construction and the procedure of the Mark of the Eye is omitted from this description, and is included with the item to the purchaser.
Background of the Use of the Vessel of the Ritual of Damnation
According to the donor, this item was used upon many actors, actresses, and entertainers of the 60's, 70's, and 80's whose careers did not extend beyond a successful, film, song, or movie.
Why Would Anyone Participate In The Ritual of Damnation?
For many of these actors, actresses, and entertainers with short-lived careers, resulted in a new career with a regular check and celebrity status, and a fair-exchange for something they did not value or care.
Actors & Actresses & Entertainers Were Rich & Famous – Right?
No-because many of the actors, actresses and entertainers of this period did not receive the large contracts of the present, and without access to leading roles, bit parts, or hit songs with distribution, there incomes were low or non-existent.
The Method That Ensured The Vow of Damnation
This weakness or inability to live the life they had drove many to seek a return in a revitalized career by accepting the Ritual of Damnation.
As you can see in the video above, The Vessel of the Ritual of Damnation is indeed a real artifact — or at least, "real" enough that is in an extant physical object that has garnered the interests of some actual human beings. Whether it actually does what it vaguely promises to do — that's up for debate.
The Vessel of the Ritual of Damnation is listed as being in used condition, with the seller noting that it is still "absolutely capable of use." Proceeds from the auction of the Vessel will go directly to a cyber security training program facilitated by Not 4 Profit Inc USA, per request of the donor.

Now, you might have some questions about what, exactly, Not 4 Profit Inc USA is doing with this vaguely occult artifact. Or what the hell their actual mission is, especially considering that all of their other eBay auction lots are basically just random tech and media parts from the 80s and 90s. According to a recent IndieGoGo campaign from the organization:
Excellence in Education offers the opportunity for students to learn digital video in the production of an educational research project that has been licensed to produce subjects of research that will enhance the knowledge of all mankind, and demonstrate how everyone can photograph what is hiding in plain sight!
The information and evidence produced can be evaluated to perfect the knowledge that one may already possess with The Secret of the Ages
Curiously, the campaign page also includes an image of Aleister Crowley.
Suffice to say, there's a lot more going on with the Vessel of the Ritual of Damnation than meets the eye. The ever-intrepid Max Read decided to dig even deeper into the occult mystery of founder David Moriyama. I'll let you read the specifics of that journey for yourself, but suffice to say: shit gets weird (er).
The Vessel of the Ritual of Damnation — A Sorcerer's Lens — NonProfit Organization
Why is this cyber-education nonprofit selling a $13,000 occult artifact on eBay? [Max Read / Substack]