Nothing contradictory about retreating from region you just annexed, says Russia

To the classic totalitarian formulations of "War is Peace", "Freedom is Slavery" and "Ignorance is Strength", add "Defeat is Victory." Russia:

Asked if there was a contradiction between Putin's rhetoric and the reality of retreat on the ground, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: "There is no contradiction whatsoever. They will be with Russia forever and they will be returned." The wording of the laws is unclear about what exact borders Russia is claiming for the annexed territories and Peskov declined to give clear guidance.

Contrarians in August (brusquely, haughtily): "Russia will eventually mobilize and defeat Ukraine, so it should compromise and we should stop helping it."

Contrarians in October (anxiously, earnestly): "Russia will eventually mobilize and defeat Ukraine, so it should compromise and we should stop helping it."

Maybe they're right. Let's check in at Christmas!