The Possum Experiment is a recent episode of This American Life about a woman who posts a sign in her neighborhood as a joke that says "cat found." The flier features a photo of what is clearly a possum. Then, the unexpected happens: An overwhelming number of people call in and believe that her sign is completely serious. Others scold her for not knowing the difference between a cat and a possum. Her joke was lost on these folks, and their responses "ultimately shift her view on humanity".
A woman's prank takes on unexpected turn on This American Life: The Possum Experiment
- Funny
- podcast
- prank
Trump's racist "they're eating the cats" debate rant syncs up with the Peanuts theme
During last night's presidential debate, Trump went on an outlandish and racist rant falsely accusing Haitian immigrants in Ohio of stealing people's pets to eat them. "They're eating the dogs,"… READ THE REST
Hilarious chicken has ulterior motive when she "protects" kitties' food from the house dog (video)
There are guard dogs, and then there are guard chickens, such as the feathered sentry below who won't let the family dog get near his cat mates' food. As two… READ THE REST
Joseph's Machines turns bathtime into a human car wash
This surreal looking bathing contraption by Joseph's Machines does all the washing for you. All one must is sit back in the tub, relax, and get whacked in the face… READ THE REST
This sleek turntable isn't your grandma's record player
TL;DR: Play your 33/45 vinyls in style with the mbeat® Bluetooth turntable, which comes with two bookshelf speakers for $209.97 (reg. $299) through September 25! What's not to love about vinyl? Our… READ THE REST
Find leads, close deals, skip the headaches—get AroundDeal for $49.99
TL;DR: A lifetime subscription to AroundDeal's Growth Plan is just $49.99 (reg. $299) for a limited time. Leads, prospects, sales pipelines—if these words make your head spin, it's time to simplify your life.… READ THE REST
This all-in-one emergency pouch might just save you from nasty blisters and cuts
TL;DR: Bring the Sidekick IFAK pouch when you're hiking or camping so you can be prepared for minor injuries or emergencies, now on sale at this unbeatable price: $59.99 (reg. $74)! Sturdy… READ THE REST