"Significant radioactive contamination" found at St. Louis elementary school 

Jana Elementary School in Missouri is contaminated with radioactive waste from World War II weapons production, according to a Boston Chemical Data Corp report.

From NPR:

Levels of the radioactive isotope lead-210, polonium, radium and other toxins were "far in excess" of what Boston Chemical had expected. Dust samples taken inside the school were found to be contaminated.

Inhaling or ingesting these radioactive materials can cause significant injury, the report said.

"A significant remedial program will be required to bring conditions at the school in line with expectations," the report said.

Christen Commuso with the Missouri Coalition for the Environment made the report public through a Freedom of Information Act request. It's amazing that the report wasn't immediately released to the public

"I wouldn't want my child in this school," Commuso told NPR "The effect of these toxins is cumulative."

NPR says, "The new report is expected to be a major topic at Tuesday's Hazelwood school board meeting." Ya think?