As the name suggests, Deep Dive goes deep.
I recently got the opportunity to play this cool new game with its creators, Aïcha Doucouré, Laura Turiano, and Richie Rhombus, who developed it during the height of the pandemic. When it was my turn, I played a "wild card" that instructed each of us to share a project we were working on and any help we needed with it. As we went around the table, I was reminded of how much I love making connections, and how hard it can be to ask for help. On the drive home, I was inspired to find a way to streamline collaboration between the readers of my inbox zine.

Deep Dive is best played with three or four people. And, I'd add, these should be people you want to get to know better, and that you're willing to be vulnerable with. That being said, if you want to opt out during play for any reason, there's a card for that. I personally never felt the urge to use it. In fact, I found connecting deeply with other humans in person to be quite delightful.
Deep Dive consists of 82 cards and a playing board. Using a combination of choice and chance, 3-4 players might answer questions, play improv games, or dive into personal challenges with support from the group. Every round is a unique experience of empathy and creativity.
Want to play? The game, featuring Richie's beautiful art, is available for purchase now on their website. Plus, stay tuned: The team plans to offer IRL opportunities in the SF Bay Area to play in the future.