Tudor Dixon, GOP candidate for governor of Michigan, says she supports forcing raped girls to give birth to the rapist's baby because the baby will produce a "healing" effect.
From HuffPost:
Dixon said she supports exceptions if a woman's life is in danger, though she added that the "health of the mother and life of the mother are two different things." Raj then asked specifically about rape and incest, providing the hypothetical example of a 14-year-old girl who has been raped.
"Why not allow that person to have an abortion?" he asked.
Dixon replied that her stance came from talking to rape survivors who have given birth, as well as people who are the children of rape survivors.
"I've talked to those people who were the child of a rape victim, and the bond that those two people made, and the fact that out of that tragedy there was healing through that baby — it's something that we don't think about," she said.