Boing Boing

Screamers, the influential 70s LA punk band you may have never heard

I recently received Kid Congo Powers' (Gun Club, Cramps, The Bad Seeds) wonderful new autobiography, A New Kind of Kick (look for a Boing Boing review soon). In doing research for that review, I'm tracking down some of the bands and events that Kid talks about. And making inspiring discoveries.

One of the LA bands he talks about being a huge fan of, hanging out with, and even living in their band house for a while, is the Screamers. This is a group I only knew about through Gary Panter's iconic band logo, seen on buttons and painted onto the backs of punker jackets, but little else.

That's not terribly surprising given that the Screamers apparently never had a record deal and never released an album, an EP, or even a single. If you didn't see them live or somehow see one of their rare videos or recorded shows, you were SOL.

Here's a brief documentary about the Screamers, one of their videos, and a recorded live performance at the Whisky, May 1979.

Thumbnail: Screamers band logo by Gary Panter.

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