For six delicious minutes, Mrs. Betty Bowers ("America's Best Christian") recounts a small fraction of the countless things Representative Lauren Boebert has done to win the "Biggest Hypocrite In Congress Award."
Don't worry, Lauren, I'm not going to try to embarrass you by mentioning all your unseemly scandals, like I have that kind of time. For example, I won't bring up you not paying taxes on your shuttered saloon, or shamelessly cheating on your campaign gas mileage reimbursements by claiming to have driven 39,000 miles in one year. Guess you didn't know that would be the equivalent of driving around the equator over one and a half times, which you would never do. Because you probably think the world is flat. And I'm certainly not going to get into how you applied that illegal payment of reimbursements to your illegal non-payment of taxes, because that's none of my business. It's between you and God. And the House Ethics Committee. And the IRS. And your local DA.
Yes, I could mention your husband's arrest for flashing his tattooed penis at an underage girl in a bowling alley or your three arrests for… well, you can regale us with them later. Oh, or that time in August when your neighbors called 911, because an angry drunk, the guy with the tattooed penis, had driven his pickup over their mailbox. That neighbor said you were also loaded. Loaded parents in a house full of loaded guns. What could go wrong? Lord, but it's not mine to judge. I'm kidding. I'm judging you. Well, I'm not judging you. It's called Christian multitasking. Sort of like the Christian multitasking you did when you scolded other women for having sex outside of marriage after you allegedly work as an escort.
She concludes, "What's the one thing conservative Christians love far more than following Jesus? Not following him to own the libs."
Thumbnail image: Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian/YouTube