MAGA-meister Donald Trump is "livid" and "screaming at everyone" over last night's "humiliating" pink squirt, according to CNN's Jim Acosta (see tweet below). Not to mention "furious" at those closest to him, including wife Melania (see Maggie Haberman's tweet below), who encouraged him to endorse failed Pennsylvania candidate Mehmet Oz.
From Mediaite:
Acosta wrote on Twitter that "'Trump is livid' and 'screaming at everyone,' after last night's disappointing midterm results for GOP, according to a Trump adviser. The adviser went on to slam the former president's handpicked contenders: 'they were all bad candidates.' 'Candidates matter,' the adviser said."
The blow was so crushing that the idea of delaying his promised 2024 announcement appears to have been floated in Trumpworld.
"This adviser said it's unlikely Trump would delay his expected presidential announcement because 'it's too humiliating to delay.' But the adviser said there are too many unknowns at this point," Acosta wrote.
During his one-term presidency, the failed kingmaker tried to ban Acosta from the White House briefing room but was powerless after a judge "ordered the Trump administration to restore" the reporter's credentials. Since then, Acosta (along with Haberman) has served as a pipeline for leaks. According to Mediaite, "Acosta also became a conduit for disaffected Trump White House staffers, who would run to leak negative stories and quotes to Acosta during the latter part of the last administration."