Blaming it on an "error in our system," KFC, the folks who use an old southern colonel as their mascot, issued one of the most classically inappropriate Tweets of all time, encouraging German folks to usher in this year's Kristallnacht with extra cheese on their chicken strips.
KFC has apologized for the "error." If extra cheese goes well with broken glass, I wonder what goes with long knives — their bullshit mashed potatoes?
KFC has apologized to its customers in Germany after the company sent out a message asking people to commemorate "Kristallnacht" — the 1938 campaign by the Nazis that left more than 90 people dead and destroyed Jewish-owned businesses and places of worship in the country, the BBC reports.
KFC blamed the message on "an error in our system."
The initial message that went out on Wednesday read, "Its memorial day for Kristallnacht! Treat yourself with more tender cheese on your crispy chicken. Now at KFCheese!"
About an hour later, the company sent out an apology.