Aaron Moss tweeted a video, from Morrissey's Saturday night show at the Greek Theater in Los Angeles, showing the moment one of the band members announces the show is over—only half an hour into the set: "Sorry, but due to unforeseen circumstances, the show is not gonna continue. Very sorry, we'll see you next time."
The tweet says: "So, #Morrissey just walked off the stage at @Greek_Theatre after 30 min. Apparently he was too cold. Meanwhile, it's in the 50s."
American Songwriter explains:
Some have noted that this is the final show on the Greek Theatre's concert calendar for 2022, with the venue planning a reopening in April. Other speculations include Morrissey may not have been well, evidenced by his inability to get through his first set of songs before he eventually canned the whole thing.
There has yet to be an official announcement other than that on the theatre's website, which said the show "has been postponed to a TBD date. Please continue to monitor our website for further information."
Twitter user amnesiac perfectly captures my feelings:
His politics suck, he's a persnickety hothouse flower who can't be guaranteed to finish a set, his performances have long been halfhearted at best, & his best songs are at least 15 years behind him. I don't get spending money on him.