Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear signed executive orders Tuesday that allows Kentuckians to use medical marijuana without fear of prosecution. The orders do not legalize sales or growing in the state and permit only 8 ounces, but were heralded by advocates all the same as a sign everything's headed in the right direction.
Beshear said the decision was made as Kentuckians were leaving the state to access medical marijuana, with some not returning. … "Right now, there are no checks on how it is packaged and sold. We must establish a regulatory structure to ensure that Delta 8 is sold and purchased safely in the commonwealth," Beshear said. "The structure can and will also serve as a template for when the General Assembly fully legalizes medical cannabis. That means we can learn in real-time, train our people and be ready to go."
37 states now allow weed, some only with a doctor's prescription, and all but a few allow the active ingredients in pharmaceutical preparations.