During a recent promotional interview about the new Enola Holmes 2, someone at Nerdist had the silly idea of asking actor Henry Cavill about Warhammer 40K. You can see the Superman and Sherlock Holmes actor's eyes light up at the opportunity to talk about what is clearly a game that he has spent a lot of time thinking about. He treats the question with great reverence, like it's almost life or death … and then you can watch in real-time as his excitement fades when the interviewer that they don't actually know anything about the game, someone else just told them to ask the question.
He then adorably tries to find the person who came up with the question, presumably so they can geek out about the game together.
This is apparently not the first time that Cavill has confessed to his love of the futuristic tabletop war game, either. Clearly he needs to star in or host his own Warhammer series now.