Tenoch Huerta's Namor was all kinds of fantastic in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. Despite the film being loaded with tons of star power, including a career-high performance from Angela Basset, Huerta's turn as Bill Everett's classic Timely comics turned Marvel comics anti-hero was undoubtedly the most scene-stealing performance in the entire movie. In addition to Huerta's Namor, the Mayan-influenced Talokan the character presides over, although a wild departure from the comics, only added to the mystique of the MCU's newest star. When the end credits for Wakanda Forever rolled, fans immediately began to speculate when Namor would return to the MCU.
If you were hoping to see Huerta reprise the role of Namor in a solo film, you're probably going to be waiting for a while. According to Gizmodo, thanks to Marvel optioning the rights to the character at Universal in the 90s, it's highly unlikely that Namor will receive his own movie in the MCU.
As it stands, Marvel's deal with Universal even affected Wakanda's promos: Moore continued that Namor couldn't even be alone on marketing materials unless it was for a poster. You know how some Marvel movies have commercials that hype up the danger of its villain? This was why Wakanda Forever did one for the Talokanil overall and not their leader specifically. "There weren't really things we couldn't do from a character perspective for him," he explained. "But we also made some big changes to really anchor him in that world in a truth that publishing never really landed on, I would argue, in a big way."