FYRE Fest criminal Billy McFarland says he is building a hotel in the Bahamas, called PYRT

Be sure to book your reservations now for convicted scammer Billy McFarland's latest endeavor, called PYRT (pronounced "pirate"). The fresh-out-of-prison impresario said in a podcast interview that PYRT will be "a small, permanent hotel in the Bahamas for artists and entrepreneurs to come and partake in these crazy adventures."  Even more exciting, McFarland announced that PYRT will develop "virtual immersive decentralized reality," because that's what the world has been clamoring for, and it's something only Billy can do right.

And in the wake of the disastrous FYRE fest, which consisted of stale sandwiches, sad little tents, and a half-built stage, McFarland said he's going to make the magic happen again with a PYRT fest. "I have to do a PYRT fest, right? It can't be tomorrow, it can't be in four months, but there's going to be PYRT fest," he said on the podcast. "People will go just to see what happens. People who hate me will be the first ones who want to come."

Sounds like a solid plan. What could go wrong?


For all of those that either love to hate or genuinely support me… THIS is what I've been working on. THIS is what will clear the air. THIS IS PYRT @PYRT 🏴‍☠️ 🏴‍☠️

♬ Super Gremlin – Kodak Black

[via Insider]