Duck's Breath Mystery Theater, the comedy group that gave us Ian Shoales, Dr. Science, and Randee of the Redwoods is re-releasing their two albums, 1980's Out of Season and 1989's Born to be Tiled, with a ton of additional material.
I keep a copy of Born to be Tiled in my office, even tho I have no record player.
You can buy the albums here.
This message from Jim Turner:
People, people, people! Duck's Breath Mystery Theater – the comedy group that gave me a life in comedy – and, gawdamnnit, a life (!) fer goddsakes – is re-releasing the two record albums we made in 1980 & 1989 – with tons of additional material discovered by our archivist, Taylor Jessen in the course of cleaning up the old files. Purchases include delightful pictures and archival "stuff" from the DBMT archive. The Duck made a classic comedy album, Out Of Season(1980). Vinyl! So then they made another one, Born To Be Tiled (1989). Want one? Want both? Don't have a turntable? No worries! Be happy! Both are now available, on digital! Ten bucks each. In time for Christmas! You can, of course, listen to all of it without purchase. But why do that? You can get both for $10 each. Click here to get: