At 9pm on Saturday, New Year's Eve, all liquor stores in Texas will lock their doors and they won't open again until Tuesday at 10am.
"Everybody needs to be smart, to plan ahead a little bit because Sunday is a normal day, we're always closed, but we'll be closed next Monday as well," Charles Leard, owner of the M&R Liquor shop, told KFDA:
It happened with Christmas and it's happening again for New Year's Day, if the holiday falls on a Sunday, Texas liquor stores must be closed the following Monday.
That's because of law backed by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission […]
"It's even going to be worse next year, we're closed, Christmas falls on Monday, we're closed Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, so we're closed on that Sunday, so it's gonna be a little crazy," [Leard said].