Boing Boing

This cute two-legged fox is doing just fine (video)

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Phil and Jane Carter from Ilkeston, England were shocked and delighted when they spotted a two-legged fox on their lawn. After a few seconds, it took off "like a rocket," they said. Unfortunately, nobody got the chance to ask what the fox says. (Sorry.) From The Telegraph:

"The way that the legs look, it looks more like it's been a disability from birth and that's probably how it's adapted to be on two legs – its overall condition for two legs looks quite good," [a spokesperson from the Fox Project charity] said.

"Potentially people around there would have supported it from birth," she added. 

"If it was an accident you would have more of the legs there, and if it had been amputated after an injury you would still have the top of the hip joints moving. Any vet would never take both back legs off, so it hasn't been interfered with by a human."

"I would say people have potentially supported it from it being like that from quite small – if it was to fend for itself it would not be as it seems. So if it gets food it's probably been left out by people."[…]

If it's one of this year's cubs and mum and other cubs are around they might bring food back to it if they know it can't get as much food for itself."

"They're very social animals – they look after each other when they can."

illustrative image: Erik Mandre/
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