Stretching out to fill it's 54.36 acre lot (220 decameters), the largess qualifies use of the term "Gracious Plenty", the Rami Library's military barracks origin is literally turning a sword into a plowshare that has a max seating capacity of 4,200 people and runs 24/7.
This expansive land parcel, which today lies within the boundaries of İstanbul's Eyüpsultan district, was presented by the Sultan to Rami Mehmed Pasha, who served as the grand vizier during the reign of Ottoman Sultan Mustafa II (1695-1703). The parcel, noted in records as Rami Barracks Farm, was first used during the reign of Sultan Mustafa III as an area to provide logistical support for the army mobilized to the Rumeli branch as well as the provision of additional services. It also became the location of Biniş-i Hümayun, which were short trips conducted by the Ottoman sultans, especially in the last centuries, via horse or royal boat.
In 1826, military barracks were built on the land for the Asâkir-i Mansûre-i Muhammediyye army after the dissolution of the Janissary Quarry. Put into use in 1828, the barracks became known as the Rami Barracks. The Rami Barracks served as the headquarters of Sultan Mahmud II during the Ottoman-Russian War of 1828-29. Between 1836 and 1837, engineering school students moved to the Mekteb-i Harbiye, situated within the Barracks compound, and a science centre was established.
From Rami Farm to Rami Barracks | Rami Library