Arizona Republicans exempt politicians from state's open meetings act, allowing them to destroy records within weeks

Why would Arizona's Republicans, of all people, want to dead-letter the state's open government act, making it legal for them to destroy all their letters, emails, texts and other communications after 90 days?

"I think it is petty, vindictive and contrary to the plain interests of transparency and government accountability in Arizona," said David Bodney, a lawyer who has represented the Arizona Republic in open-records litigation over the 2020 election review. Ordinarily, Arizona officialsmust retain most public records indefinitely and release them when someone asks for them. Seizing on a recent state Supreme Court ruling, the lawmakers on Tuesday and Wednesday adopted rules that set limited standards for when they must make documents public. Capitol Media Services first reported the rule changes. Last month, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled it had no power to enforce the state's open-meetings law

Why would GOP voters want this? Because they don't want democracy in the first place. They want it all torn down an replaced with an autocracy they presume will represent their factional interests.