Boing Boing

New pillow for middle-aged Italian men who just moved out of their parent's house

A gentleman who is inordinately fond of his pillow. Roman Samborskyi/

Pillows and politics are two words that can lead in many directions. Whether scandals between the sheets or, with new textiles and designs, functionalities, and materials for comfort and health, pillows are expanding their range and utility. In this video from Tommy J. Pope, the targeted audience for this new pillow is middle-aged Italian men who just moved out of their parent's house or didn't move out.

The pitchman is dressed in a teal-colored, lightly horizontally striped golf polo buttoned to the top under a navy blue blazer.

"I bet you're having a tough time getting some sleep, aren't you? Do you miss the warm embrace of your overbearing mother? How about the smell of her delicious cooking? Or how about that low rumbling you hear at night coming from her sleep apnea machine? Well, we've got the perfect solution for you. My Motha: the Body Pillow for Italian American Men."

Check out Stuff Island's YouTube channel with Tommy Pope and Chris O'Connor for clever cringy comedy.

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