An e-book for teens was mislabeled and available to elementary school students, and so Orange County, California's Orange Unified School District has shut down access to the entire virtual library. Conservative parents are trumping up outrage over books all over the country, but this shows a level of sophistication I did not expect — when did these folks learn there are e-books?
"The analogy I use is that, when you walk into a physical library and find an inappropriate book in the children's section, you take it off the shelf and hand it to the librarian to put in the proper place," Erickson said. "You don't shut down the whole library."
She's withholding judgment until she gets more information, but understands people's fears that the committee might open the door to censorship. It's unclear who will be on it, or what exactly it will be doing.
The interim superintendent was traveling Monday and wasn't available to answer questions, district officials said.
Darshan Bryant Smaaladen is concerned about what they want to leave out.
"They want to control the books," she said. "The desire for parents to have transparency about what their child is checking out and accessing is valid — an email informing you your child has checked out X or Y. But we can't limit access. Who decides? I think this is grandstanding. It is further reckless behavior that throws our district into chaos."