The new insurrectionist-packed House Judiciary Committee is a circus

After Kevin McCarthy caved to his insurrectionist pals, we've seen a number of insurrection-supporting congresspeople placed on some very important committees, making a mockery of congress. When notorious Trump-boot licker Matt Gaetz wanted to add the pledge of allegiance to House Judiciary Committee meetings, the democrats on the committee pointed out that he and some of his pals had already broken that oath.

Gonna be a long two years.

NBC News:

The fiery back-and-forth took place in a House Judiciary Committee meeting where members set rules for the current Congress. It began after Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., offered an amendment that would give the committee the opportunity to begin each of its meetings with the Pledge of Allegiance. He said the rule would give members "the ability to invite inspirational constituents" to be able to share and lead in the pledge.

Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., the committee's ranking member, immediately objected, arguing that House members already recite the pledge on the floor every day. "I don't know why we should pledge allegiance twice in the same day to show how patriotic we are," he said.

Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga., noted that many Republicans on the committee voted against certifying the 2020 presidential election on Jan. 6, 2021. Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., then said he was introducing an amendment to Gaetz's amendment that clarified that the pledge cannot be led by anyone who has supported an insurrection against the United States in any way.

"This pledge is an affirmation of your defense of democracy and the Constitution," Cicilline. "It's hard to take that claim seriously if in fact, an individual in any way supported an insurrection against the government."