Gentleman who doesn't like government telling people what they can do likes government telling women they can't get an abortion

This very special genius sees no contradiction when he complains about government overreach and then praises it a few seconds later.

Davram Stiefler: Overturning of Roe v. Wade. We want to find out what people think about it.

Very stable genius:
I think it's wonderful. You know, I'm glad they did it.

Davram Stiefler:
Right. So how do you feel about government kind of telling people what they can and can't do?

Very stable genius:
Oh, I don't like it at all. The government needs to stay out of our business.

Davram Stiefler:
Right. But in that instance, they actually are kind of in people's business.

Very stable genius:
Well, I'm sure they are, you know, none of them are like it, you know, and they're going to do everything they can to, to stop a lot of these states from doing that.

Davram Stiefler:
Stop a lot of states from allowing abortions.

Very stable genius:
Abortions, you know, so yeah, it is what it is. I'm glad that happened.

Davram Stiefler:
So in that instance, you are glad that the government has kind of come in and told people what they they can and can't do.

Very stable genius:
I'm glad that the Supreme Court did what they did.

What the very stable genius means is that he doesn't like it when the government tells him what he can do, but he's thrilled when the government tells women what they can do.