Congress-preacher Lauren Boebert warns God-lusting women about demons, including Kevin McCarthy

Not to be upstaged by demon-detector Senator Ted Cruz, who shuddered over a sinister hat on Sunday, Rep. Lauren Boebert (Q–CO) took to her well-worn pulpit to warn a group of God-lusting women that they would have to pay for these sins. Although they are hot for God, the Qongresswoman preached, God is using them. He might even force them to face not Him, but demons β€” and that includes Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

"Ladies, I know you are on fire for God. I know that you are energized. I felt the presence, the atmosphere in this room. God is using you in mighty ways. Maybe, he'll have you ball up your fists and stand in front of some demons, maybe a Speaker of the House."

And MAGA leaders call Democrats perverse.

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