Mitt Romney to George Santos last night: "You don't belong here"

Before President Biden began his State of the Union address last night, cameras zoomed in on what looked like a heated exchange between Sen. Mitt Romney (R–UT) and Rep. George (Anthony Devolder Kitara Ravache Zabrovsky) Santos (R–NY). Well, heated on Romney's part, while Santos reacted with a sociopathic smirk (see video, posted by JM Rieger, below).

But it wasn't until after President Biden's address that, according to CNN, Romney's words were revealed: "You don't belong here."

"Given the fact that he is under ethics investigation, he should be sitting in the back row and staying quiet instead of parading in front of the president and people coming into the room," Romney later told reporters (see video, posted by the Republican Accountability Project, below).

"I didn't expect that he'd be standing there trying to shake hands with every senator and the president of the United States," Romney said of the shameless lawmaker. "He shouldn't be in Congress. And they're going to go through the process and hopefully get him out. But he shouldn't be there and if he had any shame at all, he wouldn't be there."

Romney also said there's a difference between "embellishing," which is how Santos describes his completely phony resume, and lying. "Look, embellishing is saying you got an A when you got an A-minus. Lying is saying you graduated from a college you didn't even attend."

When asked how Santos had responded, Romney said he didn't hear. But, like the crackpot talking to the kettle, Santos later made his response loud and clear in a Twitter post: "Hey @MittRomney just a reminder that you will NEVER be PRESIDENT!"

Romney was the only Republican last night to clap for Biden when he spoke about unemployment being at an all-time low, according to The Washington Post. The rest of the hostile GOP, aka the mad us-vs-them mob, couldn't care less.

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