Use this report to find chocolate with safer levels of heavy metals

Have you seen folks talking about giving up dark chocolate because it's been found to have high levels of lead and cadmium? Here's the report they're talking about – it's informative and will help you navigate your choices, if you want to avoid chocolate with the highest levels of lead and cadmium. Consumer Reports explains that they, "found dangerous heavy metals in chocolate from Hershey's, Theo, Trader Joe's, and other popular brands." They go on to share the results of their testing and to provide options of brands with much lower levels of both lead and cadmium. They also include a link to a petition you can sign, urging companies to reduce the levels of heavy metals in their chocolates. If you want to know more about the data and the study, watch this 27 minute video from environmental medicine expert Dr. Lyn Patrick, who breaks down the California regulations the study used, discusses the risks of ingesting cadmium and lead, explores how cadmium and lead get into various foods including chocolate, explains the study's methodology, and presents the study's findings.