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No matter the type of content they're composing, all writers have one goal in mind. That's to create a complete, organized, and coherent product that resonates and sticks with its target audience.
However, writing isn't a straightforward process. It takes many twists, turns, and attempts to produce the finished product. When it's complete though, there's a sense of fulfillment in turning an idea into a tangible work.
Even the most organized writer could use occasional assistance in their efforts, and that's where the Scrivener 3 comes in to help. Typically $59.99, this dynamic writing app is now available for only $29.99.
Novelists, screenwriters, journalists, students, and translators have all tapped into Scrivener to help streamline the writing process. The software won't directly dictate what you should write, but can make it easy to structure your ideas and compose a first draft.
Scrivener uses a ring-binder metaphor that allows writers to gather their materials and flick between various points in their manuscripts, notes, and references. You can even compose your text in any order, depending on when inspiration strikes, and find its place later to put your writing in the correct order. By providing such an organized and streamlined platform, writers can see the forest through the trees.
When you're finished with your project, you can compile every document for printing, self-publishing, or exporting to popular formats such as Word, PDF, and many others. Scrivener can also make it easy to share your work in a different format than you wrote in. Write in your favorite font and still manage to submit your piece according to submission guidelines, whether it's for a professor or publisher.
Scrivener 3 can be used on devices that run on macOS 10.12.1 and later. Updates are offered for your subscription as well, allowing you to remain current with the latest software.
This go-to writing app boasts an impressive 4.5 out of 5 stars from PCMag and 4.7 out of 5 stars from Get App. Best-selling author Michael Marshall Smith wrote of Scrivener, "The biggest software advance for writers since the word processor."
Many writers will tell you the most challenging part of the writing process isn't the actual writing itself, but rather, pulling all of their ideas together in an organized fashion. Seasoned and new writers alike have trusted this app throughout the writing process. Get the most out of your writing when you grab Scrivener 3 for just $29.99 ($59.99).
Prices subject to change.