Boing Boing

Caricatures of people who move to famous places, by Matt S. Lyon

A screenshot of Lyons' Instagram

Matt S. Lyon impersonates millennial yuppies by creating video content of caricatures of hipster characters that move to a famous place for the first time and exude all the stereotypes associated with that place – the big city, Lake Tahoe, Portland, Oregon, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, to name a few. Matt "Schmutz" Lyons is a long-distance hiker, producer, and Cringe Comedian.

With names like Flapper, Matcha, Chirp, Guava, Ponderosa, and other ridiculously accurate signifiers for an excited white dude taking on different personas, Lyons's wardrobe choices are eerily similar for each occasion, yet unique in the deceptively homogenous details – hat, water bottle, outdoor brand clothes, and that nasal voice of detached entitlement. Is this Yuccie cringe comedy at its finest?

"What's up, I'm Provolone, and I'm absolutely gassed to be living next to the greatest lake in the world." (Every person who moves to Lake Tahoe)

"What's up, my name is Sequoia, and we are not in the woods anymore; welcome to the front country. Convinced my roommate to turn the living room into a climbing gym." (Outdoorsy guy moves to the city)

"What's up, my name is Guava, and I just moved to the Aloha state. Have I ever surfed? Technically, no, but I watched 'Hundred Foot Wave' on HBO like three times." (Every person who moves to Hawaii)

"What's up, my name is Chirp, and if you are looking for some silky smooth lines, you've come to the right place." (That person that only skies Colorado)

"How we doing, my name is Ponderosa, and let's just say that I found my home right here in the Cowboy state." (Every person who moves to Jackson, WY)

What's up? My name is Flapper. I just got into climbing, and let me tell you, I'm getting stronger and stronger every day. Pretty soon, your gonna need to get a jackhammer to get these callouses off of my hands." (Every person after a week of climbing)

"What's up? My name is Matcha, and I just picked up a fresh pair of Blundstones…my personality really revolves around true crime podcasts and posters of national parks."

"Hello, my name is Flyrod, and I just moved here a week ago, so I guess you can call me a Bozemanite. When I first drove into town in my Subara, all I could smell were coffee beans and kale. So I knew I was home." (Every person who moves to Bozeman).

After introducing himself, each character launches into a hilariously familiar story of a spot-on set of stereotypes straight out of a 2020 Friends casting universe, where one aspires to "working through life in second gear." The details of the lives, wardrobes, and car choices of Matcha, Provolone, Flyrod, and many other personalities like Salmon, Chum, Yardsale, and Thatcher will make you smirk and belly-laugh for their deadpan snarkiness. I have never been to many or any of the places Lyons caricatures, so perhaps he is not accurate in his depictions?

You can check out Lyon's YouTube channel here.

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