Capitol Officer Sicknick time-traveled, then died from the Covid vax, suggests far-right radio host

Far-right radio host Chris Plante suggests that Brian Sicknick — the Capitol police officer who died the day after being attacked on Jan. 6 — may have actually time-traveled from the future back to that tragic day after having built up a history of Covid vaccinations.

"We might also look into the vaccination history just to name one other possibility," the former award-winning CNN-reporter turned Q-peddler said while speaking to Newsmax on "the truth about Brian Sicknick" and the cause of his death. (See video below, posted by Jason Campbell.)

The chance of Sicknick receiving the Covid shot before January 7th (the day he died) is miniscule. Not only had the vaccine just been released to the public a few weeks before — and was first offered to healthcare workers — but Trump supporters (which Sicknick was, allegedly) and police officers were the least likely folks in the U.S. to pull up their sleeves and take a shot.

But in MAGAland, the market for conspiracies is still going strong.

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